Requirements Analysis & Conceptualization

At the core of software creation, I always prioritize the people who work with the system. Therefore, in addition to clear goals set by the client, direct communication with key users is of great importance to me.
In this phase, besides analytical skills, interpersonal qualities also come into play:

  • Asking questions, listening, expressing ideas, and sometimes engaging in controversial discussions.
  • Empathy is more than just the „comfort factor“; it helps us better understand the needs of others—a foundation for constructive thinking.
  • In the direct exchange of participants, a dynamic develops, often perceived as invigorating by all. Through repeated audits, a shared vision of the system to be implemented emerges.
  • In the search for a common language between users and developers, I sometimes use UML (Unified Modeling Language) to represent user needs and system requirements as „Use Cases.“
  • Even though no code is typically written during the requirements analysis phase, having direct experience with implementation possibilities, knowing various programming languages, technologies, and frameworks is highly advantageous to

    • estimate the effort accurately,
    • articulate what is possible and what is not…
  • Especially in the integration of external systems, breaking the „no-coding“ rule can be sensible since small test applications are part of feasibility studies.
  • The choice of technical means for implementation ultimately depends on

    • the specific task,
    • the existing information landscape of the customer,
    • the available resources.
  • The result of my work is a detailed concept, the implementation of which I am naturally very interested in.


  • Product-independent consulting
  • System & Workflow analysis
  • Workflow optimization
  • Development of use cases
  • Development of detailed concepts
  • Feasibility studies